Consistency in UI Design: 5 Key Principles

You can build your website using the principle of consistency and standards.

But how so? 

To build a powerful website and meet your users' needs you need to make it easy for users to interact with your product.

"Consistency is one of the strongest usability principles: when things always behave the same way, users don't have to worry about what will happen." -Jakob Nielsen. 

By following consistency and standards, you can make your product attractive. The consistency of all the elements you have used earns the trust and supports the number of actions a user must take to achieve their goal. In addition, the user-friendliness of your website ensures that users spend more time browsing. Imagine how frustrating it would be if it required many steps to find something on your website that she would be interested in.Compliance with the standards actually avoids many misunderstandings. Thus, you reduce the misunderstandings of users interacting with your product on your website.

People tend to behave the way they already behave using other websites. So when we deny the principle of consistency and standards, it can cause confusion for users who are already accustomed to behaving in a certain way.

To give an example of this, wouldn't it seem a little odd if you spotted a product in the adverts and had to make a payment first before being forwarded to the website?

That's why consistency on your website is very important.

## What are the Consistency Principles?

Let's examine what these principles are;


Using easy language, familiar terms and phrases will always give you a bonus. Do not scare your user with a complex language and their sudden exit from your page will make your site lose points in terms of SEO. Any delay may result in a negative feedback.


Use standard interface elements "as standard". What does that mean? In terms of UX, UI elements such as message windows, icons, scrollbars should be clear and not distracting for the user. Yes, use your creativity, but don't forget the UX.


It is to your advantage to use standard website layouts when planning the user interface. Copying may sound weird, but we're not talking about moral questions here, you can copy from a UX point of view. Also, it's certainly not wrong to "copy" such things when we're talking about the user's experience. The human memory “memorises” according to the standard and optimal position of the interface elements.


It is critical that you maintain consistency of visual elements. For example fonts, colours, content etc. must definitely match.


Although meeting the expectations of your user serves a good purpose, attention should be paid to the interface of your website, namely User Experience. It is important for your website to look modern, but a non-functional button is of no importance to users. For example, if the user wants to purchase a flight ticket from the airline company he/she will use or an intermediary institution serving it, they expect to find the reservation button easily.

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